How To Engage With Your Audience on Social Media

Need help engaging with your audience on social media? Here is what you need to know.  


🔮 Host Instagram lives. Creating content and posting is great and definitely beneficial, but having a space where you can talk about your content and business is extremely important. Instagram lives can help you promote your content, answer questions from customers, and listen to any feedback they might have.  It also makes customers feel like they know you personally and gives that connection that a simple post cannot.


🔮 Responding to DM’s and comments. This is crucial for your business. Responding to your DM’s and comments shows them that you really what the customers have to say. It will keep customers coming back. You should think of your social media accounts as a second form of customer service. Customers will often reach out about product questions and order statuses, so be prepared for that!


🔮 Interacting with followers. Followers want to hear back from accounts and businesses. Answering questions, providing any information, etc. will keep followers interested and boost your business.  You should also use interactive content like polls, lives, and giveaways to grow and interact with your followers.


🔮 Interacting with potential influencers. Talking and working with potential influencers can help grow your business greatly. Potential influencers can promote your business to help you reach a bigger audience, grow your social following, allow more people to view your business and increase sales.  


These simple steps can help you engage with your audience tremendously and really make a difference!  

Need help managing your social media? Contact us today!


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