3 Tips for E-commerce Businesses on Social Media

With smartphones and social media platform usage skyrocketing in the last decade, the world of online shopping has only gotten bigger. Especially during the pandemic and the years following as we all try to navigate our new normal, shopping online is the new way to shop. An ecommerce business is the buying and selling of goods online. Many people have taken it upon themselves to start their own ecommerce businesses on social media, strictly selling items through their feed and direct message. Here are three tips for an e-commerce business to grow and thrive on social media: 

Make sure you have a way for people to pay - Setting up a cash app, venmo, or apple pay is highly recommended. If you plan to sell your items strictly on social media then you need a way for people to send you the money before you ship out their item. It is also recommended to have all three of these apps if possible. Many people use many different money payment apps. You do not want anyone to be limited to buying your items just because they do not have the specific payment app that you use!

Post video content - Posting short form video content may just be your ticket to success! Reels and Tik Tok have completely changed the game for social media and especially for ecommerce businesses on social media. These short form video contents are a great way to be informative and get creative! You can post anything from unboxings to tutorials. Give your followers a little glimpse into the life of a business owner. Share some tips and tricks. Whatever you think may be helpful, share it! 

Follow the trends - This one seems self explanatory. Of course you need to follow the trends! Keep yourself up to date with whatever is trending at that moment. You need to be quick, trends shift and change very often. What is trending right now will not be trending in a few months. You need to figure out what that is and jump on it! Not to mention that you need to market it to your fullest potential. Use anything that you can to advertise that product. Use all of your platforms to post about it everywhere. You can even use reels to advertise it as well! Also start countdowns to get people excited for when the product is released. Stay on trend for how advertising and marketing is working too!

With the rise of online shopping and social media, an ecommerce business might just be your calling! Contact us today to build your social media presence for your e-commerce company!


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