Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

Having a social media strategy is key to benefiting your brand. With no purpose when posting/updating your business, you will not get the business from customers that you want. Here are a few tips to help build a social media strategy. 


πŸ’‘ Create goals for your business   

Having goals that you want for your business allows you to come up with posts that cover all the goals and topics you have for your business. This makes your posts more meaningful and strategized.  

πŸ’‘ Target your audience  

Create posts that are going to attract attention to your customers/ potential customers. This will keep customers engaged and viewing your business/ products.  You should also keep a close eye on posts that perform well and use those insights to create future posts. To stay relevant you need to service your audience content that they WANT to see.

πŸ’‘ Plan out your posts 

 Planning your posts will allow for more creativity for your business and keep customers from losing interest. Don’t rush your posts just to have them out there, plan them to make them the best they can be so your business can be the best it can be.  It is best to work at least a month out to make sure every post is perfect with no spelling or grammar mistakes.

πŸ’‘ Consistency  

Customers are going to forget about your business if you do not post consistently. Make a consistent schedule of when you are going to post to make sure that customers are not losing interest and your business information, products and services are up to date.  


Need help creating and executing your social media strategy? Contact us today at meghan@girouardsocialmedia.com  

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