How to Grow Your Social Media Presence Through a Global Pandemic

As the world changes, we need to shift our focuses on social media. Here are a few ways to conquer social media through a COVID-19!

♠️ Adjust your message, but KEEP POSTING!⁣
It's clear that the world is changing, and we have to make adjustments. But don't let social media fall through the cracks! recognize the changes that the world is going through, and your company. Address those changes in social media posts. ⁣

♠️ Host virtual events!⁣
Can't have your normal events? No problem, host them virtually! Go live on Instagram, engage with followers, host giveaways, and have fun right from the comfort of your own home! ⁣

♠️ Support a cause!⁣
Is there a way that you can help your community? Find local charities that could use your help through this pandemic. Encourage followers to learn more about them. ⁣

♠️ Look at your best posting times!

People are on their phones at much different times of the day. Take a look at your analytics to see when your best posting times are. You might be surprised how many people you could be reaching by simply posting at a new time of day or night.

Need help promoting your company through COVID-19? Send us an email to get started!


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