Tips to Stay Productive While Working from Home

*Working from home through COVID-19*⁣

Finding it hard to get work done at home? Here are a few tips to get you motivated throughout your day: ⁣

♠️ Wake up early!⁣
I know, this is a tough one. Waking up early can help to jumpstart your morning and make your day more productive. Wake up, make your coffee, go for a short walk, or anything you have to do to get your body and brain ready for the day. ⁣

♠️ Make a schedule- and stick to it!⁣
This one takes practice. You may want to make your schedule the night before when your to-do list is fresh in your mind. Schedule your work realistically throughout the day- and remember to schedule breaks! ⁣

♠️ Put your computer away at the end of the day.⁣
Finish all of the work on your schedule and then be done for the day. Working from home can be frustrating because we feel like we're supposed to be working all the time (can you relate?). Once your work day is over, put the computer down, stop answering emails, and do something that YOU like to do. This will help motivate you to get all of your work done during business hours.


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