How to Reach Your Target Audience on Social Media

Let's get straight to the point. When marketing any type of business online there is one thing for sure you have to make sure you do: reach your target audience! You always want to be reaching the people that are actually interested in buying your product. Not sure where to start? Follow these simple tips on how to reach your target audience!

Reach out on social media: A great way to reach your target audience is to use your social media to follow people who may buy your product. Say you own a jewelry company, go to a well known companies page and start following the people that follow them. This will help people who are interested in cute jewelry see your account and your products. They will also be more likely to buy from you because they feel like they know you on a personal level, because you follow each other.

Email list: If you want to weed out who is going to be buying your product, asking your followers to sign up for an email list is a great way to do so. Make sure they get a special reward for signing up, like it enters them in a giveaway etc. Then, send coupons to keep them engaged!

PR packages: A great way to get your name out there is to research different creators and small creators. If you feel like you resonate more with a certain creator, send them a PR package of your most recent products. This way when they post it their followers can see your business and its products. 

Market your products best qualities: Whatever you feel like your product is best at, use that! Again for example, if you are selling  jewelry, market that it does not tarnish. Make sure you market this to people who will appreciate it. People who live near a beach and spend a lot of time in the water would probably appreciate this most! Find influencers that this applies to like Avav Jules and Hannah Meloche. Then market this to them and their followers!

Collaborations: As well as sending PR packages to an influencer you resonate with, try collaborating with them as well. If you are a small business you can start off by collaborating with small creators. Since they are just starting out as well they will be excited to receive a collaboration! You will be able to reach thousands of people this way. Remember that even if you only reach a thousand people, that is a thousand new people that now know about your business!

Need help identifying your target audience? Contact us today!


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