How to Revamp Your Social Media Platforms

Thinking you want to change the style of your business? It’s time for a rebrand! Rebranding is a simple way to draw more attention to your business, and get your sales up! Revamp your business by following a few of these simple steps.

Shut down your website: A good rebrand takes time! The best way to do it is to shutdown your entire website for a period of time. Make sure the website is still visible when people search it, but have it say “coming soon …” with the date of the relaunch. This will build anticipation for customers because they will want to see what is happening, so they will be sure to come back. It also is good so that customers don’t get a sneak peak of your new style if you're rebranding while the website is still up, this way it all happens at once!

Change platforms to match: There is nothing worse than having a different theme for each platform. When you change your website make sure you are doing the same with your social media. If you keep them all different, it will confuse customers into thinking they are different brands. Then customers will not feel comfortable buying from your business. Make sure it is all cohesive!

Relaunch: When you are getting ready to launch your rebrand make sure you are launching new clothing/ products too! Just launching a new site may be boring. When you're launching new products it gives people stuff to look forward to!

Follow trends: Check on the latest trends to see what everyone is following. You want your rebrand to be popular and fun/ easy to look at. Keep it light, and not too loud with colors and background objects. My advice: whatever your brand is, make sure your website and platforms draw inspiration for people. If your business is clothing, have your pictures give people inspiration on how to style a certain top or pants. If it is home decor, do the same! The list goes on!

Build anticipation: Starting with the site shutdown and product launching are great ways to build the anticipation of your rebrand. Make sure you are teasing your new products with sneak peaks and Q&As! Doing Q&As on social media and asking people what they think is coming next will keep them engaged and excited. Doing a giveaway with the new products is also a great idea! It will keep people coming back to see if they won!

Don’t know where to start? Contact us today!


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