Tips & Tricks for Social Media Growth in 2021

It’s 2021 and if you’re not already utilizing social media, it’s officially the time to start! Throughout 2020 we all learned how to adapt and go virtual. Here are a few tips that I’ve gathered over the years to grow your social media presence:

💎 Plan your content. There’s nothing worse than trying to come up with a social media post everyday. It brings down your productivity for other things that need to get done, and truthfully is not a good use of your time.

💎 Schedule your posts. Again, this should not be a daily task. Invest in a post scheduling tool so you can schedule all content in advance and not worry about it throughout the month.

💎 Re-evaluate your social platforms. Social media is always changing. Are you using the right platforms to promote your business? If you’re not sure, take a look at your current platforms and evaluate how well they’re performing. Look into new platforms (TikTok, YouTube, etc.) and decide whether those may be a better use of your time and budget.

💎 Hashtag research. This is an important topics that I’ll do a full blog post on soon, but if you aren’t using hashtags (or the RIGHT hashtags) it’s time to re-evaluate and do some research on the best hashtags to reach your target audience.

💎 Collaborate! Find influencers in your industry and work with them. You can also collaborate with local companies to bring in more businesses for the both of you.

Need help managing your social media platforms? Contact me at to set up a consultation!


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