How to Market Your Small Business on Social Media

If you're looking to market your small business, social media will be your best friend. All different platforms have been small business owners' key part of having skyrocketing sales in just a matter of a few months. Are you a small business owner? If yes, keep reading this five part step-by-step guide to social media marketing!

Utilize all platforms: Every single social media platform has its perks when it comes to marketing! Make sure you are utilizing every single platform for your business. For instance, Instagram is great because more people are on it. You can stand out by trendy and aesthetically pleasing posts! You can also sponsor posts so that it lands on more peoples pages. On the other hand, TikTok is great because you can fit a lot of facts about your business and product into a short and fun video! On Tik Tok, hundreds of videos go viral everyday, could yours be next?

Sponsored posts: As stated before, sponsored posts are a great way to get your name out there. When you make your instagram account make sure you make it public, then  switch it to a professional account. This way you can pay for sponsored posts in settings! The sponsporsored post will guarantee that your brand will reach its target market. 

Aesthetically pleasing posts: Lets face it, if you are not following the proper trends chances are your account will not get the recognition it deserves! Make it fun to look at, and always stick to one common theme. If your brand is bathing suits, make it a simple and warm beach theme! If your brand is workout clothes, make it more vibrant and fun. Whatever your brand is, always make sure the posts are cohesive and well put together. 

Engage your audience: Make your platform a fun place to be with challenges, giveaways, and Q&A’s! When you interact with your audience they are more likely to support your brand because they feel like they know you personally. If you are doing fun things like giveaways they will interact because they want to win! Make the entry process easy so they don’t feel like its a useless hassle.

Unique posts: Make sure your posts STAND. OUT. If your posts are unique it will draw more attention! Make your posts pop with vibrant colors and fun pictures! Now when people see your content, they just can’t look away!

Need help getting started with social media? Contact us today!


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